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Delilah White MoodMist® Diffuser

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How to get it

Inspired by elements of neo-classical design and displaying the unique beauty of pearl white resin, our Delilah White MoodMist® Diffuser encapsulates sophisticated functionality and timeless style. Delilah's serene white resin cover summons clouds and swirls of varying opacity whilst softly diffusing light from within. She creates an ambient light display whilst filling the air with fine fragrance.

The Diffuser operates manually by buttons located at the front of the unit. Anja has a range of settings for timer, mist level and colour changing or static LED lighting. Delilah's design features dusk's new mist chip format, this means the ultrasonic disc does not require changing.

Be captivated by dusk's range of stylish MoodMist® Diffusers.

dusk's exclusive MoodMist® Diffusers are designed to operate by ultra-sonic technology. This technology works by the vibration of water, rather than heat, ensuring a superior and safe product for your home. The MoodMist® Diffuser has been specifically designed to be used in conjunction with dusk MoodMist® Oils or dusk Essential Oils for maximum efficiency. Once in use these oil molecules are dispersed into the air combining with fine mist particles, resulting in a gentle release of fragrance.

The MoodMist® Diffusers also display LED multi coloured, light options. This combination of soft lighting and delicate mist will create a special ambience in any space. With a MoodMist® range that encompasses both function and design choices, there is a style to suit any space.

  • Three timer settings; 1 hour continuous mist, or 2 and 4 hours intermittent mist settings (30sec on/off)
  • Fragrances areas of up to 30m2.
  • Three mist flow level settings ‚Äì low, med and high.
  • Night light function.
  • Turns off once minimum water levels are reached.
  • New format design with a unique mist chip, no requirement to replace the disc.
  • No chemicals or heat are required.
  • Made from Polyresin and BPA free plastic.
  • Use tap water to vaporise your favourite MoodMist® Fragrant Oils or dusk Essential Oils.
  • 1 year warranty.

Designed to be used with dusk's MoodMist® Fragrance Oil or dusk Essential Oils, oils sold separately.

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Product details
SKU 50197729
Barcode 9341279159831
Colour White
Product reviews
Rating: 3
60 % of 100
Based on 2 Reviews
  1. S

    I love this diffuser
  2. N

    Does not mist properly

Product reviews