Rose Gold Rechargeable Electric Lighter
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How to get it
Rechargeable Rose Gold Lighter.
An elegant update to our lighter collection. Rechargeable and simple to use, the Rose Gold Lighter is both stylish and functional.
To recharge, connect micro USB cable to lighter then turn on power source.
Allow lighter to fully charge then disconnect cable.
Unlock safety switch
Hold the power/ignition button down
Ignite candlewick with lighter
Keep safety switch locked when storing the lighter
Each battery indicator LED light shows 20% power
Charging takes 1-2 hours
Each ignition lasts 8-10 seconds
A charge lasts over 100 uses
Avoid getting wax on the electrodes as this can impede the lighter. Gently brush between the electrodes to clean off any residue when the lighter is off and locked
Avoid keeping lighter in flame for more than 2 seconds
SKU | 50185993 |
Barcode | 9341279148125 |
Collection | Core |
Perfect Gift
Battery runs out quick