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Green Tea & Jasmine Gift Set

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Enter a charmed world of ritualistic reverence, enveloped in steaming clouds of warmth and wonder. Our Tea Room Collection is a majestical tribute to the potent power of restorative relaxation and enlightenment, with deftly brewed, masterfully layered exotic fruit and spices. Sink into a state of bliss serenaded by the scents of tea leaves.

Gentle mornings made easy with a blossoming backdrop of green tea leaves and fresh cucumber. Sip your way to serenity surrounded by swirling citrus scents of orange and lemon, grounded with warm autumnal woods and musk for a fragrance that rejuvenates from inside out.

Indulge in the serene harmony of the Green Tea and Jasmine Gift Set. The calming essence of freshly brewed green tea melds beautifully with the intoxicating floral notes of jasmine, creating a fragrant oasis of tranquility. This scent will fill your space with a soothing ambiance that promotes relaxation and clarity. Perfect for moments of meditation or simply unwinding, let the enchanting aroma uplift your spirit and transport you to a peaceful retreat.

- 1 x Candle 100g
- 1 x Room Spray 100mL
- 1 x Reed Diffuser 50mL

Room Spray Directions:
Spray into the air throughout your home, avoiding direct contact with delicate fabrics and surfaces.

Reed Diffuser Directions:
Twist off metal topper and carefully remove bottle stopper. Take care not to drip fluid onto any surfaces and then place metal topper back on glass bottle. Insert reeds and allow the liquid fragrance to absorb into the reeds before rotating.

Room Spray Ingredients:
Water, Ethanol, Solubiliser, Fragrance, Preservative

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Top Notes Green Tea, Orange, Lemon
Middle Notes Cucumber, Jasmine
Bottom Notes Wood, Musk
Gentle mornings made easy with a blossoming backdrop of green tea leaves and fresh cucumber. Sip your way to serenity surrounded by swirling citrus scents of orange and lemon, grounded with warm autumnal woods and musk for a fragrance that rejuvenates from inside out.
Product details
SKU 50226252
Barcode 9341279187858
Collection Christmas Collection
No. of Wicks 1 Wick Candle
Scent Fruity
Colour Green
Burn Time Up to 24 hours
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More Information
SKU 50226252
Barcode 9341279187858
Collection Christmas Collection
Product Type Gift Set
No. of Wicks 1 Wick Candle
Fragrance Family Fruity
Top Notes Green Tea, Orange, Lemon
Middle Notes Cucumber, Jasmine
Base Notes Wood, Musk
Colour Green
Burn Time Up to 24 hours