Pink Butter Icing Scented Wax Melt
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Pink Butter Icing Fragrant Wax Melt.
A delicious memory of childhood recreated with addictive notes of pink sugar, vanilla and caramel infused with a smooth hint of rose.
Eliminate unwanted odours and treat yourself to a pure, sweet smelling home or office with this beautifully scented Signature Wax Melt. The Pink Butter Icing Wax Melt has a innovative wax formula featuring active-air® technology that specialises in the science of odour elimination. Our extensive range of active-air® melts will reinvigorate any space, leaving it fresh and tranquil.
Scented Wax Melts and a Oil Burner make the perfect gift.
Shop a wide variety of fragrant Wax Melts and Oil Burners.
View all Pink Butter Icing fragrance products.
Top Notes | Anise, Lemon |
Middle Notes | Lily of the Valley, Jasmine |
Bottom Notes | Vanilla, Rose, Caramel |
SKU | 50123568 |
Barcode | 9341279086144 |
Collection | Signature Collection |
Size | Mini |
Scent | Gourmand |
Colour | Pink |
Burn Time | Up to 10 hours |